Coronavirus on board cruise ships

The cruise ship "Diamond Princess" with 3,700 people is in quarantine for two weeks in the port of Yokohama in Japan. A passenger from Hong Kong (on board January 20-25) fell ill and tests revealed that he had contracted the new coronavirus (2019-nCoV). At least 61 people (including 21 Japanese) tested positive for the new virus (out of 273 tested). On the boat, there is also a couple from Switzerland.

Another boat, the "World Dream" (3,600 people on board) is also under quarantine in Hong Kong after 8 passengers from the previous cruise contracted the virus. The crew members who had contact with the positive passengers have been identified and medical tests are underway.

The new coronavirus (2019-nCoV) responsible for severe pneumonia has infected more than 31,000 people in China and caused 636 deaths (on 07.02.2020). Cases have been reported in 25 countries.

Consequences for the traveler

Follow the evolution of the epidemic at 2019-nCoV in the coming months and ask your agency about possible trip / event cancellations in the various countries affected by the epidemic. In general, during cruises, general personal and food hygiene measures are recommended, also to prevent other infections (flu, gastroenteritis, etc.) ... Wash (and / or disinfect) hands often, and always after using the toilet (dry with disposable or disposable towels) and before eating. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth and sneeze into disposable tissues (or failing that, the elbow). Avoid contact with the sick and coughing people. Eat well cooked meat, poultry and eggs.

If you have a fever, cough, breathing problems or flu-like symptoms during your trip or up to 14 days after your return, stay at home (or hotel room / boat cabin) and contact a doctor by telephone (indicate symptoms / place visited). Vaccination against the flu (which is currently raging in the northern hemisphere and all year round in the Tropics) may be recommended before a cruise. See also the special recommendations for China.

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