Deconfinement measures in Europe
As of May 4, 2020, more than 3.5 million people have contracted the new coronavirus and nearly 250,000 have died. The number of people healed (and presumably immunized) has exceeded one million (more than 1,162,000). The United States remains the country that reported the highest number of infections in the world (> 1,189,000) and the most deaths (> 68,000). Europe continues to be severely affected, with more than 1.1 million confirmed infections (43% of cases worldwide) and 58% of deaths worldwide. A growing number of cases are being reported in the countries of Africa, America, Asia.
Is Europe wining the fight against COVID-19?
In EUROPE, during the last week, the epidemiological curves of new infections and hospitalizations have flattened in many countries. Several countries have initiated their deconfinement plans and reopened schools. The general trend in Europe: is generally stable and slightly decreasing in the number of daily cases with around 18,500 cases and 3,700 deaths per 24 hours (average of the last 3 days).
According to the countries, we continue to observe clear differences in the curves of new infections and hospitalizations: they are declining sharply in several countries (including Germany, Austria, Switzerland and most of the Nordic countries), down slightly in others (Italy, France, Spain), or still still rising (England, Russia).
Why deconfinement?
The virus lurks again and again, and so does the anxiety. A few days before gradual deconfinement in some countries, some people feel a ball of knots in their stomachs, to the point of hesitating to plunge back into the outside world.
Containment was made possible and admissible in the eyes of people only because it was presented as a solution to protect oneself and others from a threat. This perception of a hostile outside world has been internalized and certainly promotes the anxiety of deconfinement.
Deconfinement in France
In his speech on April 28 preparing for the deconfinement of May 11, 2020, Edouard Philippe mentioned certain indicators from mathematical modeling showing the value of confinement and the situation to be expected on May 11. We can cite the following extracts from his speech:
"The epidemiological models predict between 1000 and 3000 new cases every day from May 11"
"containment will have prevented at least 62,000 deaths in a month"
Deconfinement in Switzerland
As of May 11, the government decided to reopen compulsory schools, all businesses, libraries, museums, restaurants, cafes and bars. This easing is broader than announced, since the number of new cases of coronavirus has sharply decreased in recent weeks.
Each branch will have to develop a protection concept and reopening will only be possible with strict compliance with hygiene measures. The bars and restaurants can only accommodate four people at the same table, unless it is the same family. Each table should be spaced two meters apart. The ban on gatherings of more than 5 people is maintained.
Entry to the borders will be made more flexible: family reunification will be authorized and requests for entry or stay by nationals of the European Union or EFTA will again be able to be examined normally. The controls will be maintained at the borders, but they will be organized in a more optimal way in order to facilitate in particular the traffic of border workers.
As of June 8, professional schools, universities, entertainment establishments such as swimming pools, cinemas, botanical gardens and zoos will be able to resume their activities. The ban on assembly should also be relaxed, but protests by more than 1,000 people will remain prohibited until the end of August. All summer festivals must be canceled.
“We must learn to live with the virus.”
Deconfinement in Belgium
Les commerces rouvriront le lundi 11 mai. Cette réouverture devra se faire dans le respect des règles strictes, c’est-à-dire un seul client par 10 mètres carré et ce pendant 30 minutes maximum. Une exception est prévue pour les plus petits commerces. Il est fortement recommandé de porter un masque dans les commerces. Il s’agit bien d’une recommandation, pas d’une obligation !
Regarding public transport, Sophie Wilmès recalls that their use "should only be done if you have no other alternative". The idea is to give access to the people who need it most. The markets remain prohibited. Only isolated street vendors (food and non-food) may be authorized by the local authorities and at the usual locations.
The latest stage of deconfinement should take place on May 18. It is on this date that the schools will partially reopen. In the meantime, the National Security Council will examine the possibility of a resumption of markets, a reopening of museums, libraries, zoos, the reopening of hairdressing salons, the expansion of the number of people present at weddings and funerals or the resumption of outdoor sports training.
Deconfinement in Italy
The figures show a control of the contagion for several weeks, as well as a light pressure on the hospital system. They urged the authorities to alleviate the confinement of the population in order to restart an economy brought to its knees by the disease.
But this opening remains very cautious: no retail businesses, no bars or restaurants, encouraged teleworking, no family reunion - even if it will be possible to go to see your loved ones living in the same region -, social distancing maintained including transport, no gathering, no picnic in the park.
According to Giuseppe Conte, 4.4 million employees should, however, return to work. It will also be possible to move away from your home for walks, cycling or physical exercise. But the health authorities keep repeating to the Italians that a second wave is to be feared if they do not continue their efforts.
“I implore you, do not lower your guard,...It depends on you.”