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How Ebola experience provided insights to fight against COVID-19 in Senegal
The COVID-19 pandemic comes almost six years after Senegal treated its only confirmed case of Ebola in 2014…
Deconfinement measures in Europe
Each branch will have to develop a protection concept and reopening will only be possible with strict compliance with hygiene measures…
A SME in Switzerland Launches Washable Anti-COVID-19 Mask
A Zurich company has launched in recent weeks a washable cloth mask, soaked in a solution that kills the new coronavirus.
Africa against the COVID-19
More than 40 countries on the continent are now contaminated with COVID-19, with a sharp increase in recent days in some countries in particular.
Germany: new dynamics in the fight against COVID-19
Europe continues to be severely affected, with 53% of the cases worldwide while Germany seems to be successfully pushing back the COVID-19…